Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Palestinian Civil War?

When do skirmishes between rival Palestinian groups become a civil war?

When is that line crossed between an 'outbreak of violence' and true 'civil war'?

Not sure I know the answer where that line is to be drawn. But it seems Palestinians are well on their way to finding out.
Today's developments:
  • Prime Minister Haniyeh's - leader of Hamas' - home was shot at (presumably by Fatah gunmen.)
Meanwhile not much attention is being paid to this deteriorating situation. Not even the ISraelis and Israeli media seem to care too much about the serious risk of a civil war on their doorstep. Internationally, the Europeans are doing their darndest to screw up Kosovo, and twiddle their thumbs over Darfur, the US only wants to speak about Iraq (and occasionally Iran)... These are all legitimate intl security and humanitarian crises that deserve attention of world leaders.
But the disintegration of law and order in the Gaza Strip does too.
Let's hope it comes before it's too late. Increasingly Gaza is looking like Beirut of three decades ago, let's hope the comparison fails in the coming weeks.....

Intl community and Israel invested a great deal in building up a PAlestinian Authority, provinding autonomy to the Palestinians, and funding their economic well-being. Palestinians enjoyed the only truly democratic society in all of the ARab Middle East --- quite an achievement. All of this is now threatened, as is any prospect of movement towards peace.

Ooh... I just saw that UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon express deep concern over the violence in Gaza. ... That should do the job.

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